Deadlines for CAMS: Fall Semester – June 12, 2024 // Spring Semester – November 1
Deadline for MIP: July 1
In order to apply for credentials with the Church of God, have your local church pastor contact Stacy K Black at or 864.963.4751 x104.
The Process
Becoming an Exhorter
A person who feels called to become a credentialed minister in the Church of God should discuss his/her calling with his/her pastor and ask the pastor to contact the state office. Upon receipt of the request from the pastor, a New Minister/Calling and Ministry Studies (CAMS)/Exhorter Application will be mailed from the state office to the pastor.
As part of the application process, the individual desiring credentials must submit to a background check.
Please Note: If either the applicant or spouse has had a previous marriage, additional paperwork will have to be completed, and the couple will be required to meet with the a review committee prior to initiation of the background check. This can delay your process as we await approval on the final level.
After the state office receives background check approval from International Offices, the applicant (and spouse) will be eligible to begin the CAMS program. Click here for information regarding CAMS.
After completion of CAMS, and upon recommendation of the Ministerial Development Board, the candidate will be ready to purchase an Exhorter Study Guide and will be eligible to take the Exhorter exam.
Becoming an Ordained Minister
An Exhorter who desires to advance to the rank of Ordained Minister should contact the state office and request an Ordained Minister/Ministerial Internship Program (MIP) Application. Click here for information regarding MIP.
After successful completion of MIP, the individual will be ready to purchase an Ordained Minister Study Guide and will be eligible to take the Ordained Minister exam.
Becoming an Ordained Bishop
An Ordained Minister may advance to the rank of Ordained Bishop when he is twenty-five (25) years of age, provided he has had at least eight (8) years from his exhorter date, or when he is thirty (30) years of age, provided he has had at least five (5) years from his exhorter date,, if he is otherwise qualified.
A person who meets the above qualifications may contact Stacy K Black for an Ordained Bishop Application.
Background Check
A background check is required prior to advancing to the next rank of ministry for each level.
CAMS – Calling and Ministry Studies
First step in getting credentialed with the Church of God.
The credentialing of Church of God ministers is a formation process. In this process, the church denomination partners with individuals in order to help them develop the abilities to fulfill their divine call and place of ministry.
Calling And Ministry Studies (CAMS) helps the applicants determine if they are called to clergy ministry, as well as providing knowledge about ministry.
There are two sections in CAMS—seminars and individual study. The three seminars, which are attended by both the applicants and their spouses, provide tools so that the applicants can identify if they are called to clergy ministry. The seminars also offer an explanation of ministry.
The individual study for applicants includes three activities:
- Conducting personal devotions about calling and ministry.
- Completing three training courses.
- Writing papers about their calling and understanding of ministry.
The spouses will attend the three seminars and will write the papers about their calling and understanding of ministry.
If you are interested in enrolling in CAMS, talk with your local pastor. The pastor will contact Stacy K Black in the State Office for an application packet.
**If you or your spouse have any former living spouses from previous marriages, there will be extra paperwork and a required meeting with the Credentials Review Committee before you can start the CAMS program. Approval from the IEC is required.
1. All applicants for the ministry, including ordained bishops, ordained ministers, exhorters, ministers of music, and ministers of Christian education, must have the baptism in the Holy Ghost (21st A., 1926, p. 32; 50th A., 1964, p. 56; DF 8, 9).
2. All ministers shall adhere to the Teachings and Doctrines as set forth by the International General Assembly of the Church of God (75th A., 2014).
3. All ministers are required to pay tithes to retain their license (75th A., 2014).
4. All applicants for ministry shall serve as exhorters before making application for ordained minister certificate, except ordained ministers coming from other reputable organizations, licensed ministers of music, and ministers of Christian education (43rd A., 1950, p. 14 ; 50th A., 1964, p. 56).
5. All applicants for the ministry should be actively engaged in ministry before being recommended for credentialed ministry (75th A., 2014).
6. All applicants for the ministry, including those advancing in rank, must give consent to the state/regional office to conduct criminal background checks (70th A., 2004 p. 55).
2. All ministers shall adhere to the Teachings and Doctrines as set forth by the International General Assembly of the Church of God (75th A., 2014).
3. All ministers are required to pay tithes to retain their license (75th A., 2014).
4. All applicants for ministry shall serve as exhorters before making application for ordained minister certificate, except ordained ministers coming from other reputable organizations, licensed ministers of music, and ministers of Christian education (43rd A., 1950, p. 14 ; 50th A., 1964, p. 56).
5. All applicants for the ministry should be actively engaged in ministry before being recommended for credentialed ministry (75th A., 2014).
6. All applicants for the ministry, including those advancing in rank, must give consent to the state/regional office to conduct criminal background checks (70th A., 2004 p. 55).
MIP – Ministerial Internship Program
Must be an active exhorter to apply.
The purpose of Ministerial Internship Program (MIP) is to provide ministerial preparation by practical training on the local-church level, academic self-study, and monthly training seminars, focusing on vital topics for spiritual leadership and effectiveness.
The Ministerial Internship Program is required in order to advance from exhorter rank to the status of ordained minister. Currently, the Ministerial Internship Program has been expanded to eighty-one countries and translated into eighteen languages.
The Ministerial Internship Program is comprised of three parts:
- Studies on the Bible, doctrine, and leadership
- A supervised practicum with a pastor
- Eight monthly seminars
The assignments of MIP candidates to supervising pastors are made on the basis of personal training needs, geographical factors, and availability. The seminars complement and add to the experience of the supervised practicum.
To apply for the Ministerial Internship Program, contact Stacy K Black in the State Office. You must be an active exhorter to be eligible to apply. The MIP program application deadline is typically July 1 and is avaiable one time a year.